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Verbs: gustar, interesar, encantar and preferir

¡Hola chicos! Today we are going to talk about the verbs of likes and preferences : GUSTAR (like) – INTERESAR (interest) – ENCANTAR (love) – PREFERIR (prefer) These verbs always follow this grammatical structure: COMPLEMENT + VERB + SUBJECT Examples: Me gusta ir al cine.                                                            Prefiero ir al cine por la tarde. Me encanta ver películas.                                               Prefiero jugar al baloncesto. To continue practicing with these verbs you can listen to the song "I like" by Manu Chao, and fill in the gaps. And if you want to practice and have a lot of good examples with these verbs I leave you a link with very interesting slides. file:///C:/Users/EVS%20User/Downloads/A1_1057G_ES.pdf I hope this information serves you, if you have any questions do not hesitate to leave it in the comments :)

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