Healthy life style

Hi guys! How is everything going this week? I hope very very well for everyone :)

Today I would like to talk about healthy habits, we know that it is very important to have good health and for that we must have a healthy lifestyle. But ... What is a healthy lifestyle? What should we do to be healthy?

Well, I know a little bit about this topic so I'm going to give you some advice in case it can help any of you.

First of all, I want to talk about why I think it's important to be healthy. And it is not to live until 100 years old, or to have a better appearance ... It is simply to feel better. When we are healthy our thoughts and feelings are more cheerful, we stress less, we are less likely to get sick and we are able to take better care of others if they need it.

Definitely being healthy are only advantages, I think it is worth trying to improve our lifestyle if it is not very healthy. Because you may feel good now, but you know that it is only the beginning, over time you will find yourself worse if you have an unhealthy lifestyle.

Well I think it's enough sermon for today! hehehe Now I am going to give you some tips to lead a lifestyle that makes you feel better.

Imagen relacionadaMove more! 
Do sport, go out for a walk, play with friends in the park, etc. It means that throughout the day you are as active as possible. It is not good to spend the afternoon sitting around playing on the computer or watching TV, make a little effort and move!

Eat real food!
Stop eating things that come in packages, it is better to eat natural food: vegetables, fruits, beans, potatoes, eggs, meat, natural yogurts, etc. Eating fast food, or ultra-processed products is not good for our body. We are animals and our body does not react well to those products sold in the supermarket.
This is a good "food pyramid" so you can see which foods should be prioritized and which ones should be limited.

Resultado de imagen para dormir

Sleeping is very very important for health. When we sleep our body regenerates, creates new cells that have been damaged during the day, etc. Sleep a minimum of 8 hours to be well. Also, if we sleep enough we will be more prepared to be active the next day.

Control the stress!

It's important to try to be calm mentally to be healthy. There are some hormones that rise when we are stressed or scared, this hormone in high levels is not very good for health.
I love doing yoga to relax my mind and stretch my body. I recommend that you search on google some online class and try it, yoga is practical for all ages!
Resultado de imagen para gente haciendo yoga

Well I hope these tips can help you. If you want to talk about this topic in the comments would be great: tell me which of these points you have better or worse, that you would like to improve, etc. 

I'll answer all your questions happily.

See you next week :)


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